
27. September 2022

Where can I find the form ID?

To use the form ID for example in the conditional content block, just open the respective form. You […]
14. July 2022

How can I make the parent element of a dropdown menu clickable?

By default, WordPress blocks the option to add a link when a menu item functions as a dropdown pare […]
27. April 2022

Why is a preview not always displayed for every website?

This is due to the server settings - depending on what is set there, these prevent the display of a […]
27. April 2022

Warum wird nicht immer für jede Website eine Vorschau angezeigt?

Das liegt an den Servereinstellungen - je nachdem was dort eingestellt ist, verhindern diese ggfs. […]
23. March 2022

Do I get a seperate license for each website in the subscription?

You receive one license key that you can use for all your websites. In your account you can see on […]
23. March 2022

Bekomme ich im Abo für jede Website eine eigene Lizenz?

Du erhältst einen Lizenz-Schlüssel, den du für alle deine Websites nutzen kannst. In deinem Konto k […]