
14. April 2020

How long does it take to migrate a website to another domain?

With GREYD.Hub, a website migration does not take more than 60 seconds no matter if you want to cha […]
14. April 2020

How many forms can I create?

There are no limitations in GREYD.SUITE. You can create and publish as many forms as you like.
14. April 2020

The forms block does not show my form.

A form appears in the dropdown selection of the forms block as soon as it is published. If you only […]
14. April 2020

No default privacy text is displayed.

Please make sure that you have entered a default privacy text in the general form settings on the l […]
14. April 2020

Where do I find the opt-in and opt-out link?

If you activate the double opt-in procedure in the email settings of your form, an opt-in link will […]
14. April 2020

Where can I change the color selection?

In many blocks, you can select from your individual colors as defined in the Customizer (e.g. for t […]
14. April 2020

Why do my content boxes have different heights?

Please check in your content box settings whether you have entered the correct minimum height for e […]
14. April 2020

Why does my content box have no padding?

The space between the border and content of a content box can be controlled via the padding. The pa […]
14. April 2020

My color changes are not applied everywhere.

All changes in the Customizer, e.g. color changes, will automatically be applied in all website elem […]
9. April 2020

Meine Farbanpassungen werden nicht überall übernommen.

Wenn du im Customizer z.B. Farben änderst, werden automatisch alle Elemente mit der geänderten Farbe […]